GCF exists to facilitate, expedite, and otherwise complete the Great Commission of the Lord Jesus Christ as commanded in Matthew 28:19-20.

GCF STATEMENT OF SOVEREIGNTY:  Great Commission Fellowship shall remain only and solely as a corporate body of churches, ministers, and ministries in harmonious relationship ministering in unity of purpose. GCF has not and shall not have any ecclesiastical authority over individual ministers or ministries. This fellowship shall recognize the sovereignty of ministers and ministries under the one Sovereign, Jesus Christ our Lord. Great Commission Fellowship shall provide relationship, guidance, and vision to members in their individual labors to manifest God’s Kingdom until the restoration of all things by the Lord Jesus Christ.

See What Great Commission Fellowship Is Doing!

Advantages of Great Commission Fellowship

John 17:23 “I in them, and Thou in Me, that they may be perfected in unity, that the world may know that Thou didst send Me, and didst love them, even as Thou didst love Me.” 

1. GCF provides a PLATFORM OF NEUTRALITY on which ministers and ministries can stand in corporate Kingdom service without concern of denominational control and political pressures. (1 Corinthians 11:1) 

2. GCF provides MULTIPLICATION of personal ministry greater than possible in a single lifetime by corporate co-operation in unity of purpose. (Ecclesiastes 4:9) 

3. GCF creates COMMUNICATION of revelation that edifies, exhorts, includes, and encourages in fellowships, conferences and seminars both nationally and internationally. (Ephesians 4:16) 

4. GCF offers WORLDVIEW NETWORKING in ministry projects, missions, church planting in unity with other ministers of like precious faith. (2 Peter 1:1) 

5. GCF supplies CORPORATE IDENTIFICATION with significant worldwide ministry. (John 17:21) 

6. GCF transfers PROPHETIC ANOINTING and VISION to ministers and ministries submitted under called apostolic headship. (Psalm 133:2) 

7. GCF offers APOSTOLIC ANOINTING to establish independent churches with the five-fold giftings needed for a healthy balanced ministry. (1 Corinthians 12:28) 

8. GCF provides APOSTOLIC DEFENSE against the wiles of the devil by Apostolic covering over independent ministers and ministries. (Numbers 19:15) 

Why GCF For You? 

1 Corinthians 1:13 “Is Christ divided? (23).. we preach Christ crucified, to the Jews a stumbling block and to the Greeks foolishness, (24) but to those who are called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God.” 

There are multitudes of ministerial organization professing the ministry of Jesus Christ accepting membership with benefits. Each one quite naturally claims legitimacy and correctness in doctrine and purposes. 

Why then is GCF to be considered as your apostolic covering? The answer from a negative view is that most of these organizations are designed to eliminate certain ministers out and accept only certain others. The very nature of individual diversities of gifting, personality, styles, and callings have resulted in expulsions and even labeling as “rebels and heretics”. GCF supports the belief that diversity can be accepted without adversity with unity in the Holy Spirit. All ministers in agreement with sound biblical truths can flow together as the one in purpose of the message of the His Cross. Our hope is to provide all unique ministries opportunity to join together in a corporate entity with sovereignty and liberty. The perimeter of protection of being covered be an apostolic office provides not only defense, but also comfort from isolation. All ministers should be vigilant against the stratagems of Satan primarily in his seeking those separate and alone. GCF offers you the option of connection without any concern of ecclesiastical control over your uniqueness in calling and vision. 

1 Corinthians 2:2 “For I determined not to know anything among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified.”

Levels of Connections

GCF offer credentials to those called into 5-fold ministry service. Volunteer church service is vital, but does not require ministerial credentials. There are three levels of Credentials depending on your calling and ministerial involvement.


This is an entry level membership into Great Commission Fellowship.  To be considered for a Commission with GCF, the candidate needs two years of active ministerial involvement with either a local church or a recognized para-church organization. This can include paid or lay ministry involvement. The annual licensing fee is $100.00.  



This is the next level of membership in Great Commission Fellowship. To be considered for Licensure in GCF, one should have an established 5-fold ministry history and require licensure with the state authorities to carry out ministerial duties.  Applicants must minister as Commissioned for a minimum of two years. Licensure requires a higher level of moral accountability to ministerial oversight.  The annual licensing fee is $200.00.



This is the highest level of membership in Great Commission Fellowship.  To be considered for Ordination in GCF, one should be involved in senior ministry leadership with an established history in 5-fold ministry. Ordination imparts and acknowledges authority from God. Ordination requires the highest level of moral accountability to ministerial oversight.  The annual licensing fee is $300.00. 

Interested in Becoming a GCF Member?

Download the GCF Application HERE, and mail or email us your completed application!

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